Despite our best efforts we may continue to see cast handstands that lack open shoulders, leaps that do not have larger angles, and parallel bar swings that lack a large front swing. gymnastics flexibility exercises pdf gymnastics flexibility exercises pdf. Many gymnasts will continue to see me in the competitive season for maintenance care, as they can notice how adaptively stiff they become through high volume of training or competing. The main reason as mentioned above is because the stretch pain reported may be coming from a few overlapping body structures, some we should be aiming to target (muscles, fascial tissue, some tendinous) and some we should not be (bony joints, ligaments, capsules, labrums, etc.). This is associated with hyperextended knees and hyperextended elbows. In Jeffreys I., Moody J. 389 398, Sands WA, McNeal J. Mobility Development and flexibility in youths. I will talk more specifically about oversplits below, but I feel that the lack of education around this topic is why so many people are using aggressive methods. Nho, et al. The Approach to the Evaluation and Surgical Treatment of Mechanical Hip Pain in the Young Patient. Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery Vol. Another typical example related to hip flexibility has to do with how arched a gymnasts lower back is during hip flexor or quadriceps muscle stretching. Schleip, R. Fascial Plasticity: A New Neurobiological Explanation: Part 1. This becomes more important as the athlete gets older, starts training higher-level skills, or are spending more hours per week in the gym. Most gymnasts in general (and especially people with chronic ankle sprains) tend to hang out in this position at rest. Other forms of stretching like PNF, dynamic stretching, and others appear to be effective when regularly done, Consistency over intensity is a key concept everyone in gymnastics must follow. Int J Exerc Sci. If a gymnast is known for having tight shoulders that limits their handstand and swinging skills, why are we continuing to have that athlete do a high volume of pull- ups, rope climbs, push-ups, and leg lifts? Secondly, I have also found that many gymnasts have significantly increased passive range of motiondue to naturally laxity, but have a notablelack ofactive control for their fullhip ranges. 2) change the hamstring muscle extensibility. 2015 Jul;7(4):34658. This can happen withhip flexing movements (think front leg high kick or leap) as the front of the femur bone makes contact with the front of the pelvis (impingement) and then the contact acts as a fulcrum for thefemoral head toslide out the back of the hip joint (instability). I think this is especially true in those with natural hyperflexiblehip joints who are not fully developed andlack hip strength. I view it as a tool to open the door for gymnasts to then perform strength, technique, and control work for gymnastics skills. If the gymnast is already hanging out in a down and in position, they are predisposing themselves to continuously catch their over and over, leading to the re-occuring injury part mentioned above. 2014 Jan;28(1):61-8. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182956569, Peacock CA, et al. Does it make sense to take a gymnast who go theirinjury in the first place by rolling her ankle down and in and stretch the down portion more? Plan Third, on an even geekier motor control point I think the use of external loading far away at the ankle joint greatly distorts the movement pattern the brain is trying to adopt neurologically. This creates a huge range of mobility for the shoulder joint, but in exchange for inherently less stability. I will cover those in-depth below. Nonoperative rehabilitation for traumatic and atraumatic glenohumeral instability. As a younger coach and medical provider, I absolutely did not study enough and use proper flexibility methods. Most healthcare providers that I have talked with feel the major benefits of self-soft tissue work are increasing blood flow and allowing muscle relaxation. These common active structures limiting overhead shoulder flexibility we want to focus on making more mobile. Although I highly encourage people to review it and read the evidence for themselves, their thoughts follow in line with the ideas noted above related to changes in sensation or tolerance of stretching, rather than true muscle tissue changes. As I did with the shoulder section, here are three graphics that walkthrough. I will dive into the physiological thoughts on this in the recovery chapter. With this mobility comes the huge need to be strong, have very good technique, and have exceptional muscular stability. If the gymnast doesnt do it fast enough or lands awkwardly it can be problematic. Jargon Note The medical world typically refers to Flexibility as the maximum range of motion a joint can passively reach, including the length of all structures from the joint level to the soft tissue and neural level. As a result, gymnastic branch-specific stretching exercises increase the balance and flexibility parameters in a positive way; it is thought that the longer duration of training programs will have a positive effect on the athlete's performance. Sadly, many young gymnasts are requiring hip surgery, or are retiring due to hip injuries of this nature. I urge people to not automatically push splits or pull shoulders open when they see a gymnast with limited range of motion. This often happens when the gymnast is working one legged leaps or jumps, takes off for a skill off balance, or lands with their weight more onto one leg., pubmed/19497032,,,, The The Hyperflexibile Hip: Managing Hip Pain In Gymnasts and Dancers, Risk Factors for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury. I encourage people to dive into the research of background hip anatomy, as well as the current thoughts on hip injuries within the medical or strength fields. Optimal Management of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome. The Gymnastics Flexibility Guide Cutting edge soft tissue, strength, and active flexibility techniques for splits, handstands, and shapes Practical traditional stretching methods combined with latest scientific research Techniques for increasing flexibility, and making changes transfer to gymnastics skills Send Me the Flexibility Guide! A rolled ankle happens when the gymnast catches their foot into a down and in position (plantar flexion with inversion) leading to the structures on the outside portion of the foot being damaged. In this situation, if the gymnast can not access their full range of motion against gravity alone,I see no justification for adding additional ankle weight resistance and allowing swinging momentum to reach the desired end range of motion. Its my opinion that using ankle weights under high speed (like in leaps, jumps, leg kicks, running, gymnastics skills/drills) willbe very challenging for gymnasts to control due to the long weighted lever arm. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 2013 Sep 18; 95 (18): e133, Dumount GD. These ligaments more specifically are the medial and lateral arms of the iliofemoral ligament and the pubofemoral ligament. They found that to achieve this full straddle split position; there was evidence of micro subluxation in the hip joints. This second layer of joint capsule and ligaments helps provide more stability to the joint, with different portions of the capsule limiting certain ranges of motion. 2007. Without an in-depth knowledge of medical assessments, it is difficult to know why a gymnast may be limited in their split and what structure is referring discomfort during flexibility training. The aim of this study was to review the tests used to measure flexibility in gymnastic disciplines. Amplitude - refers to the fullness of the movement with respect to flexibility stretch, and height Apparatus - one of the five pieces of hand-held equipment used in rhythmic gymnastics. I see many shoulder stretches, and hip stretches that I feel are putting a crazy amount of stress on joint capsules and ligaments. Many structures in the body can influence how much each joint moves. You can see a video of our entire warm up here. I did this for a decade as a gymnast, and for the first five years I was coaching. That said, there are certainly changes in muscle stiffness, as well as the length of a muscle, again when appropriately used stretching methods are used. This is why I now mainly approach flexibility in larger complexes. Flash forward 7 years from that point, with much more education to use and well over 1000 gymnasts treated for medical issues. You can read more about hamstring apophysitis here ( and shoulder impingement syndromes here ( It is also one of the main scoring components that judges evaluate during competitions. The gymnast is depending on those static stability structures because they probably have issues related to their muscles and nervous system not being able to assist withdynamic stability. Although there is a lot of research and textbook chapters written on these concepts (38-40), I have found that a multi step warm-up seems to be the best approach for this goal. The same argument can be made for the hips of gymnasts. Role of the Acetabular Labrum and the Iliofemoral Ligament in Hip Stability: An In Vitro Biplane Fluoroscopy Study. From there I will take a deep dive into some cultural issues that exist in gymnastics, and then conclude with step by step flexibility examples for each main region of the body that gymnasts struggle with including the shoulders, hips, ankles, and wrists. I do not feel they working as intended to address the true problem of muscular soft tissue stiffness. To protect the gymnasts in our care and to protect ourselves against possible allegations of poor practice, coaches must carefully consider their . Have your partner . flexibility exercises designed to enhance split flexibility. Its important that gymnasts have their thoracic mobility screened to see if its an issue, which I can share more in-depth during the circuit sections. I will try to provide simple explanations and also include graphics for the concepts. When this acquired excess in joint laxity is paired with a lack of strength, lacking technical development, high repetition, and fatigue in not fully matured athletes, this may have a variety of negative consequences. As noted at the start of this article, gymnasts are typically our hyper in their joint capsules. We take our privacy seriously and will never share your information. Harvey L, Herbert R, Crosbie J. Importantly enough, following a review of the literature, it was outlined that the combination of appropriate self-myofascial release and targeted static stretching may yield the most beneficial gains to acute changes in flexibility. There are some times when we are aiming to just get the body going, and other times when we are looking to truley increase joint range of motion. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Acute Effects of Stretching on Passive Properties of Human Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Unit: Analysis of Differences Between Hold-Relax and Static Stretching. This approach may lead to a limited transference to actual skills. If not regularly and appropriately trained, flexibility can become something that really holds an athlete back from making progress in skills or possibly contributes to elevated injury risk. Flexibility 5 Flexibility In addition to the strength/conditioning program, the coach must also provide training for the enhancement of flexibility. In my mind, the warm-up should not really be the main time we are looking to make massive changes in flexibility. It by no means is the perfect solution, but when based on a movement assessment and used with other strategies, self-myofascial release can be very beneficial. I have also seen what was believed to be a hip flexor strain turn into a large labral tear and career-ending injury. Im just saying there are many factors to consider and that there may be a more optimal approach to take. Stretching the hamstrings typically produces discomfort in the middle of the back of the thigh, not high up in the buttocks where the hamstring attaches to an open growth plate in pre-pubescent gymnasts. Simply throwing a bunch of random flexibility drills you recently saw at a clinic or on a video (Im majorly guilty of this one) is a quick way to ask for complaints of hip pain. 2012 Mar;5(1):18. doi: 10.1007/s1217801191058. These gymnasts typically dont have to work on flexibility too much to achieve full splits. It has all become wildly popular in the last five years, and its starting to show up much more in the gymnastics community. The effects of myofascial release with foam rolling on performance. The subjects were adult, the stretching methods and outcomes may have some validity errors, and the difference in natural hypermobility or anatomy were not discussed. Slowly stretch into the desired position, as far as possible without pain, and hold the stretch for 15-60 seconds. Understanding multidirectional instability of the shoulder. Its very important to remember that certain joints are not inherently built for lots of flexibility. Flexibility: developing effective movement. After having various conversations about flexibility with people in the gymnastics community, the safety of training over splits is typically the biggest question. Surgical tubing also works, but again the tubing needs to be quite stiff. Weppler CH, Magnusson SP. Without the ability to assess these various factors, it can be very challenging to make progress in flexibility. Ive been fortunate that now after learning from many people and textbooks, I really have a good handle on the concepts that seem to work, and those that dont really tend to make a big difference in the long term. Am J Sports Med 2011 39: 85S. Hip Flexors, Quads, Groin, Calves, etc. Gymnastics requires a significant amount of flexibility for skills to be done correctly and safely. Its also really important to remember that the upper back, or thoracic spine, and the next play a huge role in shoulder motion. There may be a lot of variation on exact exercises/stretches included in your athletes' warm-up, but do try to include ALL of the following components: Also adding in regular soft tissue work and mobility drills would be very important. (1, 3, 5, 8-9, 15-16). They often struggle quite a bit to lift their legs even against gravity alone. (25). Scand J Med Sci Sports. I think that by using correct stretching consistently over time (not into excessive pain or passive tissue damage) combined with strength in full range of motion. 2010;90:438 449. The reality of the human body is that there are hundreds of factors related to anatomy that can influence a gymnasts level of flexibility. Many great studies have outlined how hip ligaments and labrum may get strained at very end ranges that are unprotected or repetitively subjected to high force (as seen in several gymnastics skills). J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 25(6):36479, 1997. Herbert RD1, de Noronha M. Stretching to prevent or reduce muscle soreness after exercise. This is opposed to possible sarcomeregensis that may be induced from heavy loading eccentric movements. Many gymnasts struggle with excessively tight hip flexors, inner thighs, and quads. Examples of gymnastics skills that require dynamic flexibility are a walkover and a handspring. Strength Work to Opposite Side of Joint Straddle Split on Line, kneeling lunge test at wall for Dorsiflexion (wow this video is old! I call them 10 Minute Gymnastics Flexibility Circuits. Take them to a qualified medical professional for an assessment. Some degree of abnormal hip bone motion may be needed for success in aesthetic sports. Other things are beyond the realm of changing unless you have a medical background. Simply doing more splits or pulling shoulders open with stretches that are a bit extreme will likely not get to the cause of the issue. Another study by Konrad et al (29) took thirty healthy men ages around 21 and subjected them to 4 sets of 30 second calf stretches. Instead, it may lead to the ligaments and joint capsules in the front or underside of the hips receiving more of the strain. My thoughts on hip mobility and why we choose certain exercises closely echo my thoughts on shoulder mobility, and I again will not go into much depth as this was covered in an earlier chapter. Herbert RD, Gabriel M. Effects of stretching before and after exercising on muscle soreness and risk of injury: a systematic review. Trying to aggressively push through that bony or ligamentous limitation will only lead to pain and headaches for all involved. Atraumatic Hip Instability in Patients with Joint Hypermobility.Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. The first few sections of this blog are background and explanation for flexibility methods using scientific research. Soft Tissue care, specific stretching, and eccentrics can help male gymnasts get where they need to be. Returning to the analogy of a shirt sleeve, more naturally mobile athletes (gymnasts, baseball players) usually have a baggier shirt sleeve. 21, 788-792. (41-42, 44-45). 2016. While on this note, there are a few stretches that really need to be advised against in gymnastics. Many also claim that it helps them move in a larger range of motion with less discomfort before starting their practice. Gymnasts should focus on maximizing wrist and shoulder flexibility, as well as doing lots of physical preparation work to strengthen the elbows. Get in the low lunge position with the knee of the leg at the back touching the floor. So, what are some solutions to maybe moving away from aggressive stretching/ankle weights but still developing beast like leaps/jumps? By this I mean those based on a proper assessment, that does not induce excessive pain, that has a consistency over intensity mindset, and uses stretching as once piece of a larger program for flexibility. If you are not into that and are just looking for a particular area of the body without the geeky stuff, please click the table of contents below to jump to a certain section. Stretching keeps the muscles in the body flexible, so that they can stay at. Before you apply new flexibility ideas, take a step back and consider the scientific rationale behind them. strength, co-ordination, spatial awareness and the core gymnastics session. . Sands WA, Flexibility. This can be repeated with the hands in an under grip to bias the muscular soft tissue of lats/teres major, can be repeated with the hands on top of each other to mimic beam for female gymnasts, and can be repeated in eagle grip for those gymnasts who perform these skills. Physiother Res Int 2002;7:1-13. Why Do So Many Gymnasts Struggle Even When They Stretch Daily? When an athlete reports hip or shoulder pain, far too many people are jumping to the conclusion and assuming that these reports of pain are just pulled muscles. When this is the case, there may be a more optimal approach based on the anatomy of the shoulder joint. The Relationship Between Stretching Typology and Stretching Duration: The Effects on Range of Motion. These topics tend to be what I write and lecture about most because they are often underrepresented or misunderstood in gymnastics. Ben M., Harvey LA. They can also partner with healthcare providers who are versed in this information to either to teach in-services to their staff or teach the gymnasts themselves. 115-122, Reinold MM, Curtis AS. I would suggest that these very mobileof gymnasts need more work learning to control the motion they have both with basic movements and with complex movements that involve higher forces and fast reaction times. Wilk KE, Arrigo CA, Andrews JR. Current concepts: The stabilizing structures of the glenohumeral joint. There is some research available that this assists in the perceived recovery process. The most effective approach to increasing flexibility may be when stretching is used with proper assessments, consistency in stretching, follow up control work, strength programing including eccentric training and proper volume / fatigue management for athletes. To help clarify, many use the analogy of the sleeve of a shirt to visually highlight the joint capsule. This is commonly tested with something called a Beightons screening. J Hip Preserv Surg (2015) 2 (2):123-135.doi: 10.1093/jhps/hnv017. exercises, and stretching exercises are the only kind you are able to do, do them at least 3 times a week, for at least 20 minutes each session. If better flexibility, strength, and soft tissue care was used, I feel a lot of this could be avoided. John Wiley & Sons: Oxford. Anyone who wants a fantastic read and more elaborate background on these concepts again I recommend you read this article: The The Hyperflexibile Hip: Managing Hip Pain In Gymnasts and Dancers. Surrounding the ball and socket of the shoulder is something called the joint capsule as well as ligaments. This natural selection type introduction to gymnastics presents an essential background foundational concept of flexibility training. Does stretching induce lasting increases in joint ROM? Its important to recognize that the range of motion a gymnasts hip, shoulder, or other joints display are directly related to their underlying anatomy. For that reason, I typically approach the warm-up is getting the body ready for the training session. For 12 Weeks, 2 days a week and 90 min. They should not produce discomfort on the top of the shoulders, which is more indicative of rotator cuff or soft tissue impingement under the coracoacromial arch. A possible increase in the levels of chemicals that are natural pain relievers, like enkephlin, within the body. From looking at self- myofascial release and manual therapy literature reviews, this is thought to be through changes in perceived soreness, neurological relaxation, and possibly blood flow / water content shifting within the muscle. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). However, we need to understand that forcefully pushing oversplits, not being open to learning basic anatomy, or ignoring serious pain complaints from gymnasts is not tolerable. If you took the time to read through everything, a major kudos to you. Kalichman L1, Ben David C2. Konrad A, Gad M, Tilp M1. 10 Minute Gymnastics Flexibility Circuits, Download SHIFT's Free Gymnastics Pre-Hab Guide, I usually start any discussion that I have with coaches or gymnasts related to flexibility on some basic anatomy. Picture 3 is a lat stretch where the athlete sits Knowing what I do now from all of the above research, I have mostly moved away from this approach of only using stretching to improve flexibility. 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